There is little doubt that your home is a place where you deserve to feel both safe and comfortable, but sometimes that can be easier said than done. If you or one of your family happen to be wheelchair-bound, how can you improve the accessibility without the need to move home? Don’t worry, because this article offers you four fantastic tips that can help you achieve exactly that. We’ve looked at some of the best-researched products and services that have been designed for those of us who have difficulty walking, whether from old age or physical issues. Each of these can be applied to your own home as you wish.

Door System

If you happen to be wheelchair-bound, you’ll know exactly how difficult it can be to even open a door, let alone pass through it. So, for this reason, it is imperative that you have an automatic door opening system installed in your home. Simply push a button and the secure device allows you to open and close the door with ease. These can also be activated remotely via a smartphone or remote-control appliance. Your hands are free to operate your wheelchair and your safety is assured.


Although a bungalow may seem like the wise choice, not everyone has this option, so how to tackle those stairs? Well, stairlifts are the logical solution here and there are quite a few ones to choose from. For wheelchair access, platform lifts are yet another clever device that helps us to go exactly where we want without barriers.


Standard doorways have traditionally caused wheelchair users no end of problems, so they need to be addressed when making your home easily accessible for special persons. Widening them is the solution and this allows enough space to manoeuvre the wheelchair. Sliding doors are another cool option and these take up far less space than standard doors and they’re also easier to operate whether manual or automatic.


They say that the bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the home and because of this, why shouldn’t it be modernised for wheelchair users to enjoy also? Something as cool as a walk-in shower can make those long days just fade away into the background. You might prefer the walk-in bath version instead or maybe both? There are electric riser devices that make a lovely bath something to look forward to and how about adding some handy grab rails while you are at it? Toilets are also a traditional problem for wheelchair users and these can be upgraded to include warm water washing and electric drying devices that really do the job in a brilliant fashion. Speak to specialist builders who know all about how important it is for special people to enjoy their homes.

These 4 tips can combine to make your home perfect for wheelchair bound family and friends to feel welcome and secure. Just remember that we all deserve that feeling and it really isn’t that difficult to make them a reality.
