Using grey as a base colour is a popular choice for bathroom colour schemes as it works brilliantly when paired with other colours to achieve a range of effects.

The most important thing to do before selecting a colour to complement your grey base colour is to determine the undertones that make up the shade of grey you have used. Cool greys will have hints of blue, green or violet within them whilst warm greys will have undertones of pink, brown or yellow, and if you opt for a more charcoal coloured grey this will give you a neutral base that will work with practically any other colours.

Using grey as a base for the colour scheme of your room is a welcome change to the usual cream or whites often used in home décor. Grey is a more interesting and complex colour and allows the designer to achieve different outcomes when paired with complementary colours and accessories.

When used in a bathroom grey can work particularly well and some of the best colours to complement this choice are listed below.

  • Traditional grey colours that have a soft undertone of green work particularly well with off-white highlights. To add in vibrant colours try deep reds and mustard- toned yellows which work particularly well if you are trying to create a vintage inspired colour scheme.

Add in a copper or gold coloured, free-standing bath tub and vintage-style accessories to polish off this look.

  • If you are using a grey base to create a contemporary feel for your bathroom pairing this base with sea-greens and grey-toned blues will help you to perfect this look. Pair with silver or chrome accessories to really complete the theme.
  • When using a charcoal based grey this can be complemented with any additional colour scheme, but often works best when kept with other neutral colours. For example, try using whites and different shades of grey for an understated, minimal design. Alternatively, pair with deep blues, yellows or greens to achieve different colour schemes.

Grey is an easy to use base colour for any room, and will work particularly well when helping you to achieve your desired bathroom décor.
