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How To Discretely Fortify Your Home

Burglary is one of the most common crimes reported to police. Many people will have had direct experience of being burgled, or they will have friends or relatives who have been robbed. While no home is 100% safe from thieves, there are things you can do to make your home less appealing to them, according to a company dealing in home protection in Las Vegas, Security Screen Masters

Alarm systems

These are an effective deterrent in built-up areas, but may be less useful in remote areas. There are numerous options available, including alarm systems that are monitored round the clock. Thieves always look for the easiest targets. If your home has an alarm system while your neighbor’s does not, thieves are more likely to break in to your neighbor’s home.

While you can fit alarm systems yourself, it is best to get professionals to do so. Improperly fitted alarms may not work at all. Your alarm should be set to go off if windows or doors are opened while the alarm is activated. Remember to put up stickers to let thieves know that your home is protected by an alarm system.

Security Cameras

Cameras act as an excellent deterrent to thieves. The good news is that the cost of cameras has come way down. You can buy cameras that record high-quality images for just a few bucks. Ideally, you should choose cameras that are disguised as other objects or ones that are hidden from view. If you mount a camera too high, it will not capture facial images. On the other hand, if cameras are too low, thieves can easily disable them. 

Exterior lighting

Thieves like to skulk around in unlit areas. Put lights in dark areas. Lights with motion detectors are energy efficient and provide your home with an added layer of security. Make sure your lights are protected so that thieves cannot easily break them.


Triple-pane windows are virtually impossible to break. If you have single-pane windows, you should seriously think about replacing them. Not only do you get better security, your energy bills will also be lower. 


Single-pane glass doors should be replaced with triple-pane ones. Make sure all doors have good quality locks. Always make a point of locking your doors every time you leave the home and before you go to bed at night. Fit locks to sliding doors so that they cannot be easily lifted out of their frames.

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