If you own an HVAC system, you should know that the refrigerant in your AC system plays a large role in not only your personal comfort, but in how much you are spending on your utility bills. The coolant is compressed, and at this higher pressure, it is capable of removing heat from the surrounding air. The higher the pressure, the harder the compressor inside the system needs to work. This can lead to larger electricity bills, but this can change, especially if you are using one of the next generation cooling refrigerants. Some of these have been designed as a result of the necessity of removing Freon from the market. This chlorofluorocarbon has been responsible, at least in part, for the destruction of the ozone layer. Additionally, the efficiency of the coolant you are using can contribute to the greenhouse effect. Climate change is a very real issue, one that is affecting us globally, and we can do our small part in resolving all of these issues by replacing our existing coolant. The following information will discuss some of the next generation refrigerants that are used by AC and refrigeration units today.